About Janelle

Hi, my name is Janelle! I am an avid reader, writer, and reviewer. I have been obsessed with reading since I was a little girl because it fed my ever-growing imagination.

I enjoy reading books from all types of genres. However, I do have my favorites which are horror, true crime, thrillers, literary fiction, sci-fi/dystopian, and nonfiction. My love of horror, thriller, crime fiction, and true crime started at a very young age. I used to sneak books off of my parent’s bookshelf starting with Stephen King, VC Andrews, Mary Higgins Clark, John Grisham, and Ann Rule—it escalated from there and these genres continue to be my comfort reads. Coffee is a must! A cup of coffee and a book is the perfect day for me.

In addition to books, I love learning about art, different cultures, I love maps, language, and someday I want to travel the world. Also, I love all the animals! They are the most gentle souls on the planet and if I could I would live on a large piece of property and be surrounded by them. I have a soft spot for cats, dogs, wolves, tigers, and elephants.

I am a dedicated lover of true crime. I have an analytical mind and a need to solve puzzles. I am fascinated by human behavior and psychology. I love looking at cases through books, podcasts, and documentaries. My Favorite Murder, The Murder Squad, Redhanded, and Crime Junkie are my go-to podcasts (SSDGM).

I have lived in Northern California my entire life and enjoy how close I am to everything, whether it be the ocean, the mountains, or all that’s in between. I have been with my husband for twenty years and we live with our sweet adorably tiny cat, Abby.

It is a dream of mine to one day own a bookstore with a beautiful view, but for now, I’m settling to build my very own Little Free Library (coming soon). My husband and I recently purchased our first home in a beautiful location. I still can’t believe we are so lucky and we have deer! It’s so peaceful and I know exactly where my LFL will go (YAY!) I officially have my dream library setup complete with bar, comfortable seating, big windows, and record player with all of my precious vinyl. Also, did I mention I would love a house full of animals?

I am a contributing writer for TorNightfire.com  NightWorms.com and CemeteryDance.com – it is a dream come true to write for the horror industry, especially the new Tor Nightfire imprint from Tor.com (seriously I have to pinch myself). The Night Worms is not only an amazing blog but a badass horror book subscription service. I am a proud customer since day one! And don’t get me started on Cemetery Dance – HELLO, it’s a Stephen King publisher *picks jaw up off of floor*. Horror is my ultimate escape and a genre I can never get enough of. My favorite side hustle is to write up horror author interviews. I love nothing more than to pick their wicked brain! Hmm, maybe someday I’ll get a permanent gig to do just that.

I co-host an Instagram book club called #BuddyReadstoDieFor with my book buds Chandra @wherethereadergrows and Jessica @jessicamap – it’s a mix of new releases and backlist titles. We pick a new book every month and host a giveaway for our current pick. It’s a fun way to connect with the reading community as we host a chat group at the end of each month. Be sure to check us out!  I feel grateful to have found such great friends.

When I’m not reading, I fuel another passion of mine, writing. I’m either writing up reviews, various articles, or writing chapters. My goal is to write a novel in the next few years. I am constantly working on something because my brain always has to keep moving. I am a bibliophile to the core. I collect special editions of my favorite books. Also, my office is full of fandom because I enjoy being surrounded by joy and inspiration. Oh and just throwing this out there, I am obsessed with Hamilton.

I have been fortunate enough to see a two of my favorite authors, Margaret Atwood and Joe Hill. My lifelong dream is to actually talk with Margaret Atwood and see Stephen King. Just the thought of getting my book signed by the first horror author I read as a child, Mr. Stephen King, makes my black heart melt.

If there is one cause I am deeply invested in, it’s Earth and animal conservation. I regularly contribute to organizations such as the SPCA, International Anti-Poaching Foundation, World Wildlife Fund, Solutions Project, Ocean Conservancy, Wolf Conservation Center, Jane Goodall Institute, Farm Animal Refuge, and Orphan Kitten Club/Kitten Lady.

I started this tiny blog so I can share what I love and connect with other book enthusiasts, bloggers, authors, and publishers. Thank you so much for visiting – I hope you enjoy your stay!


I read books from many sources. While many are purchased by me, some are Advanced Reader Copies provided by publishers in exchange for an honest review. If I receive a book from a publisher I will disclose that in my review.

  • I can be reached directly at janelle@shereadswithcats.com
  • I only accept physical books for review.
  • I will try to respond to every review request, regardless of interest. I’m open to almost anything that’s interesting.
  • If I review a book, I will also post that review on InstagramGoodReads, and Amazon.

I can also be contacted via the following form:

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