Category: Travel

  • Review: END OF THE ROPE by Jan Redford

    Review: END OF THE ROPE by Jan Redford

    Thank you so much Counterpoint Press for providing my free copy – all opinions are my own. Book Description:  As a teenager, in a fit of rage toward her father, Jan pits herself against a steep rock face near their cottage. At the top, fired up by the victory, she sets her sights on the…

  • Blog Tour & Review: AMSTERDAM EXPOSED by David Wienir

    Blog Tour & Review: AMSTERDAM EXPOSED by David Wienir

    Book Description: Amsterdam Exposed tells the true one-of-a-kind story of an innocent exchange student who moves to Amsterdam hoping to write a book about the red light district and everything that follows. It’s an American abroad story, and also a love story; it’s an uplifting tragedy, full of humor from beginning to end; it’s an…