Review: THE ADULTERANTS by Joe Dunthorne

Thank you so much to Tin House for providing my free copy – all opinions are my own. Tiny review for a tiny book! 

Book Description: 

Ray Morris is a tech journalist with a forgettable face, a tiresome manner, a small but dedicated group of friends, and a wife, Garthene, who is pregnant. He is a man who has never been punched above the neck. He has never committed adultery with his actual body. He has never been caught up in a riot, nor arrested, nor tagged by the state, nor become an international hate-figure. Not until the summer of 2011, when discontent is rising on the streets and within his marriage. Ray has noticed none of this. Not yet.

“I bravely worked through my hate mail. I apologized to each message, never copy-pasting from one to the next, always typing bespoke, which seemed crucial.”

My Review: 

This small, little, off putting book is about thirty something-year-olds that can’t seem to grow up. The story is centered around the main character, Ray Morris, his pregnant wife, Garthene, and a close knit group of friends. I would describe this as dark satire. There are a few ‘laugh out loud’ moments and some great quotes but I couldn’t get invested in the storyline. I found some of it too ridiculous. What I do appreciate about this book, is that you want Ray to succeed even though he deserves all that he gets. Intrigued? Go check it out for yourself!

I rate this book right down the middle… 2.5 / 5 stars!

Available March 6, 2018!

Click here to preorder on Amazon. 




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