Thank you so much Berkley Publishing for my free copy.
The only child of a single mother, Nina has her life just as she wants it: a job in a bookstore, a kick-butt trivia team, a world-class planner and a cat named Phil. If she sometimes suspects there might be more to life than reading, she just shrugs and picks up a new book. When the father Nina never knew existed suddenly dies, leaving behind innumerable sisters, brothers, nieces, and nephews, Nina is horrified. They all live close by! They’re all—or mostly all—excited to meet her! She’ll have to Speak. To. Strangers. It’s a disaster! And as if that wasn’t enough, Tom, her trivia nemesis, has turned out to be cute, funny, and deeply interested in getting to know her. Doesn’t he realize what a terrible idea that is?
Nina considers her options.
1. Completely change her name and appearance. (Too drastic, plus she likes her hair.)
2. Flee to a deserted island. (Hard pass, see: coffee).
3. Hide in a corner of her apartment and rock back and forth. (Already doing it.)
It’s time for Nina to come out of her comfortable shell, but she isn’t convinced real life could ever live up to fiction. It’s going to take a brand-new family, a persistent suitor, and the combined effects of ice cream and trivia to make her turn her own fresh page.
THE BOOKISH LIFE OF NINA HILL kept a smile on my face the entire time I was reading it. What a bookish delight!
We meet ultra-introverted Nina Hill. She’s set in her ways and her routines. Every day she goes to work in a bookstore and loves nothing more than to come home to her beloved cat, Phil. She adores schedules, to-do lists, and day planners. But one day things go topsy-turvy when a lawyer contacts her about her father. She grew up as the daughter of a single mother who told her she didn’t know who her father was. We discover that her father was wealthy and included her in his will, but Nina wants nothing to do with her new family. Meanwhile, she is getting too much attention from an attractive man on her rival trivia team – Nina just wants to be left alone, thank you very much.
Nina Hill is a crack up! She’s got a fun way about her with a fabulous sense of humor. She’s an endearing, bookish, imaginative, witty, and clever character that you’ll want to be friends with. YES, this book is somewhat predictable, but it is so in a good way because this character is meant to make you smile. Waxman writes the perfect story for every bookworm that includes entertaining and wonderfully colorful characters! It’s the perfect read for a day out in the sun! ★★★★½
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